Sunday, May 25, 2008

Tour de stars
The only day I was free,
went out on a spree.
Started counting the stars,
Stopped when I reached the Mars!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Blowin' (away) in the wind
Potholes, Manholes (read craters) is what I have witnessed on the Delhi roads. Now what are speed breakers for. The synthesis of Nature's work and human disaster should suffice. In other words, why do we need to create speed breakers when there are natural ones on roads?
Special focus is on the roads where metro construction is going on. In case you plan to spend pleasant evenings in a park away from your home, be prepared to while off a couple of hours in your car stuck in the TERRIBLE JAMS! Beginning with the road construction to the time Delhi's weather sabotages it, the jams go on...
We all are aware of the reason...
The grit and 0.000001 pc coal do not mix well and the roads too wash and wither away!