Friday, March 09, 2007

Maybe true..

Two worlds I live in

The other one maybe clean

Just of thought and imagination

Can the mind be so corrupt?

Money and thoughts

Well interconnected!!

Another desire of an idiot

searching for those eyes.

Though I have seen them

But without a face.

Let me see who has it

Maybe those who live

in both worlds together.

Eyes are an insight

to what we see and

what we want to see.

True Mirror,I say..

Friday, March 02, 2007

Odd Ones!!

I have seen people running out

and talking to their loves

Hiding from their parents.

I have done none of it!!

I have seen people

laughing on others.

Making fun-They are good at it.

I have seen them

But done none of it!!

Some think just emotions

to pen down-A fool

I have done it..yes!!

I have seen people

making love-

Not only to their loved ones.

I have done none of it!!

Can't get along with all

Just a simple 'knowing' factor.

Can't shout out

unless the voice is unheard

Calm and silence,I like.

My heart and mind work then..

can't speak but write,

that's where I am strong!!

Viable enough..

Everyone's mind-A mystery

Helpless-can't read it..

I explain it to all

But think I just am

Like them-A liar..

I say-I have done none of it!!

Just that I haven't seen him

I can't believe it existing.

Something in there

in me that speaks out.

Believe me-

Heart also writes

I have done it!!